Cake & Hike in Samobor

Samobor half day tour is a perfect choice for those who are willing to trade the city rush for the forested slopes of Samobor- Zumberak Nature Park area.

You can soak in this lovely town’s atmosphere, enjoy the coffee and people watching at the Main square. Here in Croatia we pretty much mastered the skill. I guess we must have picked it up from our Italian neighbours, they have a saying “Dolce far niente”. And speaking of dolce, here in Samobor having a slice of kremsnita is an absolute must. Hiking on an empty stomach is against hiking rules in Croatia, anyway.

There are numerous trails that were initially made to connect historical and cultural monuments alongside that makes this trail so interesting. Samobor Old Town is the most exciting site on the trail. Then there is the famous St. Anne’s Chapel, Anindol Pyramid 14-meter-high viewpoint (no Egyptians, sorry, just a silly name for this structure) and St. George’s Chapel and all that in a beautiful forest just outside the cityc entre.

This hike requires no special skills. Good spirit and sports shoes will do just fine.

Hike & Cake tour includes: transfer from/to Zagreb (apx 30 min drive each way) 1 hour Samobor sightseeing walking tour with the licensed local guide (Trail difficulty level: 2/5) 1,5- 2 h hours hike up the trails with licensed outdoor guide kremsnita (custard pie).Price: 250 € per tour



Samobor & Botanical garden tour includes: Transfer form Zagreb, Samobor walking tour & kremšnita cake + botanical sightseeing tour with a local guide and expert. Price: 280 euros.

Samobor & horseback riding tour includes: Transfer from Zagreb, Samobor walking tour & kremšnita cake + horseback riding in the nearby horse farm. Price: 280 euros.


Etno farm Mirnovec
Etno farm Mirnovec


Samobor and its surroundings, Photo: Samobor Tourist Board